Tuesday, October 7, 2014

October Update

Hello! Sorry for being away for so long! School started last month and I got busy; college essays and all that fun stuff that comes with senior year.

Well, in the next two weeks, I'll be ordering my first real pair of luggage! I've been doing research and I've found a brand that I really, really love. It's called Zuca and the luggage is from their "Pro Travel" collection. These suit cases are just amazing. Theyre designed to be carry-on friendly, they have wheels, the frames are made of aluminum so you can sit on them if the airport terminal too crowded or something, and they're designed in a packing cube method.
Packing cubes are great for organizing all your belongings and keeping things from rubbing or bumping into each other. Which is especially helpful if you need to pack heavy and delicate things together, such as shoes and fragile shirts.The cubes come in different sizes and they're flexiable, and can hold a lot of items surprisingly. I'll definitely be needing to pack a couple of pairs of shoes since I'll be gone for two months.

The cubes are included in the luggage I'm looking at. It's been out of stock for months, so I'm really excited for it's return. I actually have the money to purchase it now too.
In my opinion, it's well worth the money.

Once I've ordered it I'll be back with another update! Till then have a great day!

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